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Brand new from DEMA Industries: Synths!

Synths are a relatively new, open-development venture with promising advances in anti-degredation
Our esteemed Bishops asked us the question; What if there was a Vessel that would not decay?
We subsequently endevoured to answer that question... Using science! By the capable hands of the
DEMA-patented Bioplastic Polymer Research team, our technicians were successful in creating what
we believe could someday be an adequate replacement for the fallibility of the flesh.
Currently, the seizing of these beings has proven... Inefficient. However, BRAND new advancements are
happening all the time! We have identified many new avenues to try and utilise these tools to their
greatest potential, allow us to show you our current experimental ventures and their promising successes.

Neon Advancement

Our very first experiments regarding these vessels began with the Splitting of the Neon; Our researchers
identified the standard (ROYGBIV) colour set did exist within the glow of human neons, and set about
trying to unlock this potential.
Using a combination of elements and proprietary prismatic devices, our researchers were able to split
the first colour from the Neon Wavelength, and strike the first Eternal Flame.
The first colour discovered by our researchers was the Blue Bracket, followed subsequently by the Red
and Green shortly after. Once our team was able to identify and strike Eternal Flames for. All of the
available colours, we were able to start on the very first prototypes, and develop those into the synths
we know today.

Standard Synths

The very first true successes we had in synthetic vessel technology, Standard Synths are created via
a Donor and a Surrogate.
As the Synth's body grows, it develops what is known as a Blank Neon, a neon with no inherent colour;
Pure and malleable.
Once the technicians have decided which colour they wish to develop, the embryo is subjected to one
of the Eternal Flames; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo or Violet.
These are an array of noble gases that infuse the synth with Saturation, and it's Saturation is
determined by many features, some of which are still bein researched by the team.
The percentile may rely on if a Synth leans more towards human, or if there's some kind of issue
or imperfection, or whether it's neon is receptive to saturation at all.
All of these outcomes and more have been observed within the Synths.
Currently, this is the only recognised, standardised classicfication of the Synth Colour Brackets:

BRACKET [EXPERIMENT(COLOUR)-NUMERICAL VALUE] (for instace, ER-123456 "Synth's Chosen Name"

Bracket - The experiment bracket of which the synth belongs to
Experiment(Colour Here) - Usually abbreviated to just two letters, ER (ExperimentRed), EB
(ExperimentBlue) and so on.
Numerical Value - All synths are given a unique serial number. This number can be as long or as short
as is necessary.
Synth's Chosen Name - For some reason, Synths trend towards "object" names, such as Shimmer, Skye
or even just their numerical value, such as the case of "199".
The synth's Moon Date is usually their manufacturing date.

Augmentations - As our understanding of synth genomes became more precise, we began to see
strange variations in their appearance. Some appear with large wings, some with many eyes, and a
few with strange inexplicable abilities. This is a very exciting development, and we are actively
researching all possible variations, and what may cause them.
Brackets tend towards having similar or the same augmentations, such as wings, eidetic memories,
advanced speed or even the ability to heal themselves.

