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Brand new from DEMA Industries: Synths!

As with all members of our Municipality, synths are assigned their duty upon their aptitude test.
However, synths, due to their advanced capabilities, could pose a threat if given places of authority
within the city.
As the generations of synths have continued, we've made an effort to purpose these beings, and
reduce the waste of the cullings that we experienced with Generation 1s and Generation 2s. Generation 3
Synths are perfectly purposed, made upon request for their role.
All synths are expected to be placed in roles that do not give them any authority over their human
counterparts. Many work in the business or private sector as attendants or secretaries, or have their skills
put to work in physically exhertive tasks. They're built to last, so wear and tear is no issue...
That is, as long as their genesis is not rushed or haphazard, as was found with a certain Green Bracket.
Due to incompetence, the entire bracket was wiped out by a preventable genetic error which cause the
Thorium Decay of hundreds of synths. This waste was unacceptable, and will never be allowed
to happen again.

In any case!

Saturation: 20%-100%

To be considered of synthetic origin, a synths saturation must be above normal human (permeated)
saturation. Synths are generally characterised by their colourful neons, however, these saturations
can vary wildly from the barest hint of a colour, to full cadmium.
The saturation of a synth does not necessarily determine it's power, however, it does seem to trend
towards lesser augmentations, and a less intense likelihood of Surges.
Surges, from our research, appear to occur around strenuous events in a synth's life. Trauma, or
extreme emotions (even positive ones) may cause these surges, and they can vary in effect from
healing another to causing a quadrant-wide radiation accident - Which THOSE synths were then given
the responsibility to wear lead-lined masks at all times around humans.
It is not yet known if a Surge could affect - bring up or bring down - a Synth's saturation level...
However, current models of research indicate this might be possible.


As on all documentation, the temperament of all citizens must be clearly stated. In synth's cases, this
can be a clear indicator of surge potential, so it becomes even more imperative.
Reducing the risk of surges, and retaining control over these tools will allow our technicians to more
effectively maintain control over any issues that may potentially arise.

Empty Synths

What was first nothing more than a mistake during disposal, transformed our understanding of Synth
biology even farther when the first Empty Synth was observed.
When the unnamed specimen died, it's neon left it's body, and what remained... Was a secondary remnant
of it's former self, believed to be related to the Nine's Influence upon them.
Synths, as incredible as their technology has been, have been in many cases abject failures as vessels,
as their bodies are not as easy to seize as previously assumed. Our researchers have determined this
is because a Synth's Neon is so different to a humans, that a human neon cannot possibly hope to seize
a Standard Synth.
Human neons are permeative; They exist as intangible miasma in our bodies that permeates our
entire existence.
Synth neons are concentrated within their Vials, which is usually located between their ribcage
or within their sternum.

