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Brand new from DEMA Industries: Synths!

These highly condensed neons prevent a human neon from squeezing in alongside it... However, Empty
Synths are the perfect opportunity for seizing, as they no longer have that barrier of entry.
However, we've run into... Setbacks in this field of research.
Empty Synths are highly aggressive when freshly deceased. Their confusion and rage seem to create a
mental ward of some kind, that causes difficulty and disorientation in any who try to seize them.
This issue has been prevalent since their discovery, however, given time, these Synths can become
malleable. If their temperament becomes more docile, their neons become more cooperative, and that
creates a much more streamlined seizing experience.

Seizing them, still, is a work in development, however... We are getting closer to this goal.

Blacklight Synths

After the notorious disaster of the EG-1 Green Bracket, our researchers discovered a synth within their
ranks with an abnormally long resistance time to Thorium Decay.
Her stability made her unique, and so, she was sequestered within our facilities, and given medical
intervention to try and understand why she was so resistant.
This stability was fascinating, and so, in hopes that we may cure her or stop the spread of Thorium Decay,
our researchers tried to replicate this stability, and infuse it with her neon.
There were unfortunate side effects.
In the haste to find this stability, our technicians ran into an unforseen apocalyptic error; Vaccum Decay.
Her perfect stability caused a domino effect within her, consuming her neon entirely and transforming
her into a terrible beast.
This unfathomably entropic version of stability ran loose.

There's still much we don't know about Blacklight Synths.

Prismatic Synths

Another physics-defying curiosity is that of the Prismatic Synths. Out of pure interest, and perhaps
hubris, a sect of our researchers wanted to discover the very limits of Synth biology.
They extracted the neons from six healthy Synths, and placed their collective neons within a
Seventh Body.
The effect was immediate.
A powerful wave of psychic energy burst forth from them, their body immobilised, now a fixed point
in all of reality; They were no longer a Being, more of an Experience the mind could be exposed to.
A walking dream, manifesting from the central source.

This is all we know currently of Prismatic Synths.
