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Our illustrious city, depicted by the DEMA cartographers

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Our entire existence is owed to the watchful overseers of our districts, the deeply revered Bishops that
we dedicate ourselves to serving.
Andre, Lisden, Keons, Nico, Reisdro, Sacarver, Nills, Vetomo and Listo, our Bishops Nine. They care for us
our whole lives, give us meaning and purpose within our society, and the least we are able to do is repay
them with our labour.
All graduates of our educational programmes are ensured a place within one of these districts, assigned
by both aptitude and wherein your skills will be most required.

Towers of Silence

The most prominent feature of our city, the pinnacle of achievement, the Towers of Silence. Here is where
our venerated Bishops work to maintain our city. Citizens are forbidden from stepping foot within these
towers, without direct summoning from your bishop.

D.E.M.A.R Locations

Should you or a loved one require our services, please refer to the location pins corresponding with
your district. Our facilities are open twenty-four hours, all days a week, and walk-in appointments are
accepted at any time. If you are brought to us by one of our representitives, we will already have a room
prepared for you, and your loved ones will be notified of your stay with us.
