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Our illustrious city, depicted by the DEMA cartographers


Though our facilities share much with the standard education compounds, to comply with the Council
of Nine's health and education standards, we have reinforced our structures to be shock-resistant and
impenetrable from both inside and outside forces.
Other compounds, such as the residential and industrial varieties, are still being remediated at this time,
however, as progress advances within our flourishing Municipality, these older-generations of buildings
will soon be levelled and rebuilt to current construction standards.
We understand that not all of our citizens reside within these compounds, and were instead assigned
blocks and even rewarded the occasional stand-alone home! To these citizens, we assure you not
to worry, as the Nine have committed the public sector within the Inner Towers have also dedicated plans
to advancing these structures as well.
*PLANNED CONSTRUCTION: Mulberry Street [12 05MOON] until [17 07MOON]


Grand structures of concrete and ingenuity, our city's stunning basilicas are a sight to behold; One
cannot explore their extent in a single day, with their deep transepts leading endlessly from East to West.
Approachable priests and clerical attendants are waiting to recieve your prayers and your confessions.


The outer city limit, generally citizens are not encouraged to go farther than this without accompaniment
by a representitive, or even your Bishop themself.

Glorious Vista

A stunning view of our glorious city, as pristine and exquisite as one can ever hope to view it. The Neon
arrays glowing in the Necropolis thrum around you, and the towers blot out all other visible distractions.


The vast expanse of the exulted Neon Gravestones, stretching to the farthest walls of our city. These are
dedications, reminders of bygone Events; Glorious sacrifices of our most dedicated citizens, whose
venerable surrender to the light of Vialism will never be forgotten.

Our Annual calendar on our Events page will keep you up to date on the goings on
around the city!
